
 LA HIDTA Training Courses Offered

Social Media for Law Enforcement *On-Line*

Social Media for Law Enforcement: Our Digital World in Your Investigations
CLASS DESCRIPTION: 5 hours. $50.00 VOD

If Facebook were a country it would be the most populous in the world. Every second two new members join linked in. Governments in the Middle East have been overthrown with the help of Twitter. Hundreds of millions of hours of video are watched everyday on YouTube. Social Media is a part of our lives!

Recent tragedies and crimes have also proven social media is becoming a bigger part of law enforcement investigations. Criminals are providing evidence, witnesses are discovered, and unknown crimes are reported due to the power of social media. While Facebook is king throughout the world, social media is bigger than one site. With numerous sites and tools to monitor these sites, the ability to navigate through social media is now a required skill. Our Digital World in Your Investigations will guide you through the behemoth known as social media.

Topics covered include:

  • Historical examples of investigations involving social media
  • Most popular social media sites today
  • International and niche social media sites
  • Mobile only social media apps
  • Valuable law enforcement tools to track and capture content
  • Legal Compliance with popular social media sites
  • Using advanced searches to find open source content
  • Risks and threats over the internet to investigations
  • Personal Security